What Is a Casino?


A casino is a place where people gamble by playing games of chance. Whether it’s poker, blackjack, roulette or video poker, the games in a casino are usually based on mathematical odds that give the house an advantage over the players. Some casinos also offer special games that involve a mixture of chance and skill, such as craps.

Casinos draw large numbers of visitors from all over the world. Some are located in major cities, such as Las Vegas and Atlantic City, where people flock to gamble. Others are built in remote areas, such as a mountain resort or the shores of Lake Lugano in Italy and Switzerland.

Although a casino’s interior design can vary greatly, most attempt to evoke a luxurious and exclusive atmosphere. Many feature a high ceiling and dimmed lighting to reduce the amount of natural light. The walls are often adorned with paintings and other artwork, and the carpeting is lush and expensive. Casinos also try to minimize patrons’ awareness of time by obscuring the clocks on their walls.

Most casino employees work in some form of customer service, and some are specialized to handle specific kinds of problems. Security workers patrol the floor and watch over table games, ensuring that dealers are not cheating (palming, marking, or changing dice) and that patrons don’t violate rules.

Some casinos employ mathematicians and computer programmers who study the house edge and variance of casino games. This data helps them to determine what sort of house edge they should have and how much cash reserves they should keep in reserve, so that they can stay profitable.